Which Sentences Use Correct Subject-Verb Agreement Select Two Options



As a copy editor, one of the most important aspects to pay attention to is subject-verb agreement. Subject-verb agreement refers to the proper matching of a subject with its verb, in terms of person (first, second or third) and number (singular or plural). In order to maintain a clear and concise sentence structure, it is essential that the subject and verb in a sentence agree with each other. In this article, we will discuss two sentences that demonstrate correct subject-verb agreement.

Sentence 1: The team of scientists is conducting research on climate change.

In this sentence, the subject is “team of scientists” which is singular. Therefore, to maintain subject-verb agreement, the verb “is” is used, which is also singular. This sentence correctly demonstrates subject-verb agreement in terms of number.

Sentence 2: The students in the classroom are participating in a group activity.

In this sentence, the subject is “students” which is plural. Therefore, to maintain subject-verb agreement, the verb “are” is used, which is also plural. This sentence correctly demonstrates subject-verb agreement in terms of number.

It is important to note that subject-verb agreement can become more complex when dealing with compound subjects or phrases. It is essential to correctly identify the subject in the sentence to determine the appropriate verb usage.

In conclusion, maintaining proper subject-verb agreement is crucial for clear and effective communication in writing. By ensuring that the subject and verb in a sentence are in agreement, writers can enhance the readability and coherence of their work. The two sentences presented in this article demonstrate correct subject-verb agreement in terms of number. As a professional, it is essential to pay close attention to subject-verb agreement to ensure that the content being published is of high quality.


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